Just a quick update for everyone. I went home on leave July 4 through the 19th. I got back here a few days later. The travel was exhausting, but worth the trip. I got to see my family and most of my friends. Spent a lot of time in the pool and time playing with Connor. I learned a few things about myself that have changed since I have been here. 1) I like staying home more, which may be a side effect of 2) I don't like to drive as much as I used to. Nothing major just some things I noticed.
Does this mean I'll have to go see you more than you'll come up to see me?
Or will you walk? :)
I'm still going to the Door. I'd love to elaborate, but it would go better in person. I do appreciate your input about the matter, though. And living closer to you Anne and Conner would be a good thing. So quit tempting me. :)
Driving! By all that is holy. Well it is good timing I guess that I have decided to stay off the road more.
and Roland.
(ghostly voice) moooove Mooooooove MOOOOve MOOOOOOVE
By the way Kate, clever login name
Hello todd
This is carol. From when you and anne meet please contact.
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